Flea Market Finds

I wrote about the start of the flea market season back in March and how I had a focused list of things I hoped to find. It is very easy to become overwhelmed and disheartened by visits to flea markets. It is a useful exercise for a four year old to learn that sometimes they are full of treasure and other times full of junk. But what is our junk is someone else’s treasure, of course.

We usually visit the Frederiksberg Loppemarked on a Saturday after lunch, I have also been to the two huge indoor markets at Carlsberg this summer, and we have visited Boxland a few times.

I am amazed that I managed to find everything on my flea market wish list this season, plus a huge amount of Lego for my son, including a full Indiana Jones set with instructions. If you are not into Lego you won’t understand how wonderful this is, but believe me it is a fabulous find. I also picked up a few Wallpaper travel guides, which were off list but too good to pass up.

So here are my best finds from this year…

fleamarket finds

Firstly, and a late entry to my wish list, were two vintage Danish milk/cream bottles and more amazingly with original metal tops. These will look great in my new kitchen next summer.

Next was my husband’s desire for Koben style cooking pots and I was amazed to score the red one at the first market of the year at Carlsberg, the blue one at the last there and the red sauce pan (which had been found at a Brooklyn flea market before making its way to Frederiksberg) at our local one. They seemed expensive but they are massively collectable and these three were in amazing condition, plus we have used them loads already.

The final thing on my wish list was a cast iron æbleskiver pan to make these wonderful Danish Christmas treat and I got this one for literally pennies and once my husband had cleaned it up, it was perfect.

A great season all in all and we have two New Year markets to look forward to until the real flea market season starts again in the Spring.


  1. What fabulous finds. I love the art of recycling. Unfortunately we don’t seem to have flea markets in Perth though 😦

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