11 Typical Danish Gifts under 500dkk

For those of you looking for some last minute Christmas gifts that shout ‘Denmark’ here are a few ideas.

People often want to buy friends and family ‘back home’ an typically Danish gift. There are a number of design brands who make wonderful and very Danish style items such as KåhlerHolmegaard, and   Lyngby  but today I thought I’d share some things I would, and have, bought for my friends and family and they loved them.

Danish Flags

The Danes love their flags and no celebration table is without one. You can buy stylish table top ones such as the link here or get little small one or two use ones from places like Flying Tiger and Søstrene Grene so your friends can celebrate like Danes.

Georg Jensen Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations in Denmark usually err on the side of very tasteful. I often buy a Georg Jensen gold or silver decoration as a gift, even outside Christmas time. The first part of the year is a good time to pick these up in the sale.

Royal Copenhagen Easter Eggs

One the same theme a beautiful Royal Copenhagen porcelain egg is always a very appreciated gift and again you can usually find them available most of the year.

Hoptimist and Wooden Birds

A Hoptimist or a little wooden bird from Archtectmade is a lovely little whimsical gift which so very Danish. Both always put a smile of the recipient’s face.

Liquorice by Lakrids

The Danes love liquorice! If your loved ones are not hardcore liquorice fiends then the fruit or seasonal liquorice from Lakrids will give them the Danish experience without the strong taste of traditional liquorice. They also do a great selection of the real stuff too.


Lego is about as Danish as it comes. You can visit the Lego Store and pick up some specifically Danish bits and bobs. Usually you can get a little mini figure key chain with Copenhagen on it. There are also sets exclusive to the Lego Store which are worth sending home to family members who don’t live near a Lego store.

Aalborg Snaps

Treat a family member to a truly Danish drinking experience with a decent bottle of snaps. I’m no expert but the Aalborg Snaps seems to have some historical and traditional cache.

Danish Butter Cookies

Yep, a cliche but one that most people like to receive. Look for ones in a pretty or retro tin for a gift that continues after the biscuits are gone. Magasin is a good place to find these.

Unique Art (Visse Vasse,  Kortkartellet)

Over the last five years or so a number of artists have broken out of the smaller design scene into the wider consciousness. Two favourites of mine, which feature lovely Danish images, are Visse Vasse and Kortkartellet. Or head to a design market and support smaller producers.

Flea Market Finds

A short weekend stroll around some of the summer flea markets or little junk shops can yield lots of Danish gifts from old blue and white plates with your loved one’s birth year on (there are always people selling these at almost every flea market I have ever been to here) or smaller ones featuring old Danish buildings and churches.

Don’t forget to get hold of my FREE guide to Christmas and New Year in Denmark here

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